Draw Horizontal Line at Open Price of a particular Candle while Chart is in different Timeframe
Image by Marcelene - hkhazo.biz.id

Draw Horizontal Line at Open Price of a particular Candle while Chart is in different Timeframe

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When it comes to technical analysis in trading, visualizing key prices and levels can be crucial in making informed decisions. One such important level is the open price of a particular candle, which can be used as a reference point for future price movements. In this article, we will explore how to draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle while the chart is in a different timeframe.

Why is it important to draw a horizontal line at the open price?

Drawing a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle can help traders identify key levels of support and resistance. This can be especially useful when looking to enter or exit a trade. For example, if the open price of a candle is acting as a strong support level, a trader may want to place a buy order near that level. Similarly, if the open price is acting as a resistance level, a trader may want to place a sell order near that level.

Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing a Horizontal Line at Open Price

To draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle while the chart is in a different timeframe, follow these steps:

  1. Open your trading platform and select the chart you want to work with. Make sure the chart is set to the desired timeframe (e.g. 1-minute, 5-minute, 15-minute, etc.).

  2. Identify the candle you want to draw the horizontal line at. This can be a specific candle from a previous trading session or a real-time candle. Note the open price of that candle.

  3. Click on the “Draw” or “Tools” button on your trading platform and select the “Horizontal Line” or “Trend Line” tool.

  4. Click on the chart at the point where you want to draw the horizontal line (i.e. at the open price of the identified candle). Hold down the mouse button and drag the line to the desired length.

  5. Release the mouse button and the horizontal line will be drawn at the open price of the identified candle.

Using PineScript to Draw a Horizontal Line at Open Price

If you’re using TradingView, you can use PineScript to draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle. Here’s an example code snippet:

indicator("Draw Horizontal Line at Open Price")

// Define the open price of the candle
openPrice = open[0]

// Draw the horizontal line
line.new(bar_index[0], openPrice, bar_index[10], openPrice, xloc=xloc.bar_index, color=color.blue, width=2)

In this code snippet, we first define the open price of the candle using the `open[0]` function. We then use the `line.new()` function to draw a horizontal line at the open price. The `bar_index[0]` and `bar_index[10]` arguments specify the starting and ending points of the line, respectively. The `xloc=xloc.bar_index` argument specifies that the line should be drawn at the bar index, and the `color=color.blue` and `width=2` arguments specify the color and width of the line, respectively.

Using MQL5 to Draw a Horizontal Line at Open Price

If you’re using MetaTrader 5, you can use MQL5 to draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle. Here’s an example code snippet:

//| Script program start function                                    |
int OnInit()

//| Script deinit function                                            |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   ObjectDelete(_Symbol + "_HorizontalLine");

//| Script tick function                                               |
void OnTick()
   double openPrice = iOpen(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, 0, 0);
   ObjectCreate(_Symbol + "_HorizontalLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, 0, openPrice, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet(_Symbol + "_HorizontalLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
   ObjectSet(_Symbol + "_HorizontalLine", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
   ObjectSet(_Symbol + "_HorizontalLine", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);

In this code snippet, we first define the open price of the candle using the `iOpen()` function. We then use the `ObjectCreate()` function to draw a horizontal line at the open price. The `ObjectSet()` function is used to set the color, style, and width of the line.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues you may encounter when drawing a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle:

  • The line is not drawn at the correct price level. Check that you have entered the correct open price of the candle.

  • The line is not visible. Check that you have selected the correct timeframe and that the line is not hidden behind other chart objects.

  • The line is not updating in real-time. Check that you have enabled real-time updates in your trading platform.


Drawing a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle can be a powerful tool in technical analysis. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily draw a horizontal line at the open price of a candle while the chart is in a different timeframe. Whether you’re using a trading platform or a programming language like PineScript or MQL5, drawing a horizontal line at the open price can help you identify key levels of support and resistance and make more informed trading decisions.

Platform Instructions
TradingView Use the “Draw” or “Tools” button and select the “Horizontal Line” or “Trend Line” tool.
MetaTrader 5 Use MQL5 code to draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle.
PineScript Use PineScript code to draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle.

Note: The instructions provided in this article are for general information purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Trading carries risks, and you should consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of drawing horizontal lines on your charts with ease!

How do I draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle on a chart?

To draw a horizontal line at the open price of a particular candle, simply click on the “Trend Line” tool, then press Shift + click on the open price of the candle you want to mark. The line will automatically snap to the open price, giving you a precise reference point for your analysis!

Can I draw a horizontal line on a chart with a different timeframe?

Absolutely! Whether you’re on a 1-minute, 4-hour, or daily chart, the process remains the same. Just make sure to select the correct timeframe and zoom in on the candle you want to mark. Then, click on the “Trend Line” tool and Shift + click on the open price – voilà!

What if I want to draw multiple horizontal lines on different candles?

No problem! You can draw as many horizontal lines as you need. Simply repeat the process for each candle you want to mark, selecting the correct open price each time. You can also use the “Undo” feature if you accidentally draw a line at the wrong price.

How do I adjust the horizontal line if the chart shifts or I change the timeframe?

Easy peasy! If the chart shifts or you change the timeframe, just click on the horizontal line to select it, then drag it to the new open price of the candle. You can also right-click on the line and select “Reprice” to automatically adjust it to the new price.

Can I save the horizontal line for future reference?

Of course! Once you’ve drawn the horizontal line, you can save it to your chart template. This way, it will be available whenever you revisit the chart, even if you change timeframes or switch to a different symbol. Just click “Save Template” and give your template a name – you’re all set!

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