How to Close the Notice by Doing Nothing: You are connected to an OS version that is unsupported by Visual Studio Code
Image by Marcelene -

How to Close the Notice by Doing Nothing: You are connected to an OS version that is unsupported by Visual Studio Code

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Are you tired of seeing that annoying notice popping up every time you open Visual Studio Code (VS Code)? You know, the one that says “You are connected to an OS version that is unsupported by Visual Studio Code”? Yeah, that one. Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to explore the simplest solution to get rid of that notice once and for all – doing nothing!

What’s the big deal about unsupported OS versions?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly understand what’s going on behind the scenes. VS Code is designed to work seamlessly with supported operating systems, which are listed on the official VS Code website. If you’re running an unsupported OS version, it means that the VS Code team hasn’t tested or optimized the editor for your specific OS.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that VS Code won’t work on your OS; it just means that you might encounter some issues or bugs that wouldn’t be present on supported systems. The notice is merely a warning, a gentle reminder that you’re venturing into uncharted territory.

The power of doing nothing

Now, you might be thinking, “But I don’t want to see this notice anymore! Can’t I just make it disappear?” And the answer is… yes! You can, by doing absolutely nothing. That’s right; you don’t need to upgrade your OS, tweak any settings, or install any extensions. Just keep on coding (or not coding, we won’t judge) and ignore the notice.

The notice is purely informational, and it won’t affect your ability to use VS Code in any way. It’s merely a heads-up from the VS Code team, reminding you that your OS is not officially supported. So, go ahead and dismiss the notice, and VS Code will continue to function as usual.

But what about potential issues?

A fair question! As mentioned earlier, running VS Code on an unsupported OS might lead to some issues or bugs. However, these issues are often minor and can be easily worked around. If you do encounter any problems, you can always:

  • Check the VS Code issues page to see if others have reported similar problems
  • Search for solutions on the VS Code forums or online communities
  • Reach out to the VS Code team directly for assistance

In most cases, these issues can be resolved with a simple workaround or a quick update to a newer version of VS Code.

Other solutions (just in case you want to do something)

If you’re still not comfortable ignoring the notice, there are a few alternative solutions you can try:

1. Upgrade to a supported OS version

If possible, upgrading to a supported OS version is the most straightforward solution. This ensures that you’ll receive official support and optimization from the VS Code team. However, this might not be feasible for everyone, especially if you’re tied to a specific OS for work or other reasons.

2. Use the “supported” flag

You can try setting the “supported” flag in your VS Code settings. This flag tells VS Code to ignore the OS version check and assume that your OS is supported. To do this:

  "": "/bin/bash",
  "terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": ["--supported"]

Note that this method is not officially supported, and you might still encounter issues. Proceed with caution!

3. Disable the notification

Another option is to disable the notification altogether. You can do this by adding the following line to your `settings.json` file:

  "notifications.windowNotification": false

This will suppress the notification, but keep in mind that you might miss important updates or warnings from the VS Code team.

The verdict: doing nothing is the best solution

In conclusion, the simplest and most effective way to get rid of the “You are connected to an OS version that is unsupported by Visual Studio Code” notice is to do absolutely nothing. Just dismiss the notice and continue using VS Code as usual.

By doing nothing, you’re not ignoring potential issues; you’re simply acknowledging that you’re aware of the unsupported OS version and are willing to take on any potential risks. And if you do encounter any problems, you can always explore the alternative solutions mentioned above.

Method Pros Cons
Doing nothing Simple, no action required, no potential side effects None
Upgrading to a supported OS version Official support, optimization, and bug fixes Might not be feasible for everyone, potential downtime
Using the “supported” flag Might work, easy to implement Not officially supported, potential issues, might not work
Disabling the notification Easy to implement, no more notifications Might miss important updates or warnings

So, the next time you see that notice, just smile, nod, and dismiss it. You’ve got this, and VS Code has got your back (even if it’s not officially supported)!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of seeing that annoying notification “You are connected to an OS version that is unsupported by Visual Studio Code”? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the solution for you. Well, actually, we don’t. Just kidding! Here are some FAQs to help you close that notice by doing, wait for it… nothing!

Q: Will ignoring the notification make it go away?

A: Heck yeah, it will! Just pretend it’s not there, and it’ll magically disappear… in your mind, that is. The notification will still be there, but who cares, right?

Q: Can I click the “X” button to close the notification?

A: Oh, you’re thinking of using the “X” button? Ha! That’s cute. Go ahead, click away! But don’t say I didn’t warn you – it’ll just come back, like a persistent ex.

Q: Will updating my OS solve the issue?

A: Ugh, updating your OS? That’s so much work! Why bother when you can just live with the notification, right? But if you’re a glutton for punishment, go ahead and update. Maybe, just maybe, it’ll fix the issue. Maybe.

Q: Can I use an older version of Visual Studio Code?

A: You want to downscale? That’s like saying, “Hey, I’ll just use a flip phone instead of a smartphone!” Sure, you can use an older version, but why limit yourself? The notification is just a minor annoyance, right?

Q: Will complaining about the notification on social media solve the problem?

A: Ah, venting on social media? That’s the modern-day equivalent of talking to a brick wall! Go ahead, rant away! The notification will still be there, but hey, you might get some sympathy likes.