Unlocking the Power of Response Headers with SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor
Image by Marcelene - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Response Headers with SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor

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As a developer, you’re likely no stranger to the world of GraphQL and its numerous benefits. However, when it comes to accessing response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor, things can get a bit murky. Fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a journey to demystify this topic and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to tap into the power of response headers.

What are Response Headers, Anyway?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of accessing response headers, let’s take a brief moment to understand what they are and why they’re important. Response headers are key-value pairs that are sent back to the client by the server in response to an HTTP request. They contain valuable information about the response, such as caching instructions, cookies, and authentication details.

Why Do I Need to Access Response Headers?

You might be wondering why you need to access response headers in the first place. Well, my friend, here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Security**: Response headers can contain crucial security information, such as authentication tokens or CSRF tokens.
  • Caching**: By accessing response headers, you can control caching behavior and ensure that your application is serving fresh content.
  • Analytics**: Response headers can provide valuable insights into user behavior and application performance.

The SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor Conundrum

Now that we’ve established the importance of response headers, let’s talk about the challenge of accessing them in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor. By design, SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor is a synchronous GraphQL client that abstracts away many of the complexities of working with GraphQL. However, this abstraction comes at a cost – accessing response headers becomes a bit more complicated.

The Problem with SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor

The main issue with SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor is that it doesn’t provide direct access to the underlying HTTP response. This means that you can’t simply use the venerable `getResponseHeader()` method to retrieve the response headers. Fear not, though – we’ve got a solution for you.

Accessing Response Headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor

So, how do you access response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor? The answer lies in using a custom interceptor. An interceptor is a function that can be injected into the request pipeline to perform additional logic before or after the request is sent. In our case, we’ll use an interceptor to capture the response headers.

Creating a Custom Interceptor

To create a custom interceptor, you’ll need to define a function that takes three arguments:

  • request: The current GraphQL request.
  • executionContext: The execution context of the request.
  • next: A function to call to continue the execution of the request.

Here’s an example of a custom interceptor that captures response headers:

const captureResponseHeadersInterceptor = (request, executionContext, next) => {
  return next(request).then((response) => {
    const headers = response.http.headers.raw();
    // Do something with the headers, such as logging or storing them
    return response;

Registering the Custom Interceptor

Once you’ve defined your custom interceptor, you’ll need to register it with the SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor instance. You can do this by using the `setInterceptors()` method:

const client = new SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor({
  url: 'https://your-graphql-api.com/graphql',
  interceptors: [captureResponseHeadersInterceptor],

Putting it All Together

Now that we’ve covered the basics of accessing response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor, let’s put it all together in a comprehensive example:

import { SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor } from '@apollo/client';

const captureResponseHeadersInterceptor = (request, executionContext, next) => {
  return next(request).then((response) => {
    const headers = response.http.headers.raw();
    console.log('Response Headers:', headers);
    return response;

const client = new SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor({
  url: 'https://your-graphql-api.com/graphql',
  interceptors: [captureResponseHeadersInterceptor],

  query: gql`
    query {
      user {
}).then((result) => {
  console.log('Query Result:', result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error('Error:', error);


Accessing response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a breeze. By using a custom interceptor, you can tap into the power of response headers and unlock a wealth of new possibilities for your application.

Remember, response headers are a treasure trove of valuable information waiting to be uncovered. Don’t let the complexities of SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor hold you back – with this guide, you’re now equipped to access response headers like a pro!

Keyword Definition
SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor A synchronous GraphQL client that abstracts away many of the complexities of working with GraphQL.
Response Headers Key-value pairs sent back to the client by the server in response to an HTTP request.
Interceptor A function that can be injected into the request pipeline to perform additional logic before or after the request is sent.

I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on accessing response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor!

How do I access response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor?

In SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor, you can access response headers by overriding the `onResponse` method and extracting the headers from the `GraphQLResponse` object. Specifically, you can use the `getResponseHeaders()` method to get a map of response headers.

What is the type of the object returned by `getResponseHeaders()`?

The `getResponseHeaders()` method returns a `Map>` object, where the key is the header name and the value is a list of header values.

Can I access response headers in a synchronous manner?

Yes, you can access response headers synchronously by using the `SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor`. This interceptor provides a thread-safe way to intercept and process GraphQL responses, including accessing response headers.

Are there any performance implications when accessing response headers?

Accessing response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor is relatively lightweight and shouldn’t have a significant impact on performance. However, if you’re dealing with a high volume of requests or large response headers, it’s essential to consider the performance implications and optimize your code accordingly.

Can I modify response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor?

No, you cannot modify response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor. The `getResponseHeaders()` method provides a read-only map of response headers. If you need to modify headers, you’ll need to use a different approach, such as implementing a custom HTTP client or using a proxy server.

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